Bold in Praying
Bold Faith prayer is constant conversation with our Heavenly Father as we walk in this life. God is tuning our heart to Him. Because God’s at work through His people to accomplish His mission, He often brings us to a place where we need a miracle to take the next step. One Community Church… we need a miracle for our next step.
Bold in Sharing the Gospel
For some reason, we find it difficult to have gospel conversations with people even though we know that the gospel will change their life; it changed ours. We know the gospel gives the assurance of forgiveness of sin and eternity with Christ, yet it still seems so difficult to talk about it. It’s time for each of us to take a step of Bold Faith in sharing the Gospel.
Bold in Engaging God's Mission
We cannot improve on Jesus’ method; we can engage His mission. The mission of making disciples is for every Christ follower. It involves sharing our faith and winning people to love Jesus. It means we engage in learning how to walk with Jesus faithfully in every aspect of life. It means we live to reproduce our life of faith and teach others how to live Jesus.
Bold in Giving
Bold Faith giving means to give more than just money, but to give yourself to God’s work. It’s faithfully giving your time to invest in someone else. It means giving your talent to add creativity and community connection. It also involves giving treasures to invest in eternal things.